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Project Name

Revolutionized the Business Communication of a Software Company with our Salesforce Messaging App

WhatsApp Business Cloud API, Facebook Business Suite

Client Overview

Our client operates a software development company that develops office tools to streamline business processes. They mainly focus on developing efficient solutions for managing various business workflows and operations.


The client approached us to resolve the key challenges, which include:

  • Email Communication Management: Difficulty managing email communication threads within Salesforce led to scattered conversations.
  • Message History Tracking: Difficulty in tracing message history within Salesforce led to challenges in understanding past communications and maintaining context in ongoing conversations.
  • WhatsApp Marketing Template Tracing: Challenges in locating WhatsApp marketing templates within Salesforce resulted in inefficiencies in marketing communication.
  • Custom Chat Console Issues: Utilization of a custom chat console for unified Omni-channel messages resulted in communication obstacles, impacting the smooth flow of interactions with clients.
  • Multilingual Support Requirement: Multilingual support to ensure accessibility for diverse international clients, highlighting the necessity for language versatility in messaging solutions.
  • 24x7 Client Support: They required a 24x7 support system to promptly address client queries, emphasizing the importance of real-time assistance for maintaining client satisfaction and engagement.


We resolved the client's issues by introducing our Salesforce Messaging app, which proved beneficial in the following ways:

  • Implemented our Salesforce Messaging App-Lead Manager Ninja, enabling them to send messages via multiple channels like SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook, Email, etc. directly from Salesforce.
  • Our app allowed them to access all their message history in one place, eradicating the problem of understanding past conversations.
  • Incorporated dedicated WhatsApp template management for efficient marketing communication.
  • Organized client databases within Salesforce to enhance operational efficiency by providing easy access to vital client information.
  • Integrated multilingual support for accessibility across diverse client bases.
  • We boosted their support with our zero-code chatbot- Ninjabot, providing a round-the-clock support system that helped clients with real-time communication.


  • Implemented Salesforce Messaging App-Lead Manager Ninja, improved message delivery by 30%.
  • Centralized message history, reduced comprehension time by 50%.
  • Introduced WhatsApp template management, boosted marketing by 40%.
  • Organized client databases, cutting access time by 25%.
  • Integrated multilingual support, increasing accessibility by 50%.
  • Deployed Ninjabot chatbot reduced response time by 60%.

Transform your Business Communication with our Salesforce Messaging App – Lead Manager Ninja!