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Conversion Rate Improved by 80%

Client Retention Rate improved by 53%

Data Entry Errors Dropped by 90%

Client Overview

Our client belonged to the real estate and construction industry and specialized in managing a variety of properties, including residential, commercial, and plotted developments. They were recognized for their dedication to delivering high-quality deals and services. Through their commitment to excellence and reliable service, they established themselves as a prominent leader in the industry.


The client needed a scalable and secure solution to enhance client interactions and address their challenges. The key issues faced by the client were:

  • Template Approval Delays: Slow approvals for WhatsApp templates affect campaign timing.
  • Low Delivery Rates: Poor delivery rates for WhatsApp messages.
  • Tracking Issues: Difficulty in tracking WhatsApp-triggered campaigns.
  • High Message Volume: Managed thousands of daily WhatsApp messages with diverse queries.
  • Follow-ups and Notifications: Unable to send timely reminders and follow-ups for improved client engagement.
  • Diverse Communication: Tailored interactions for buyers, sellers, and agents.
  • Timely Updates: They required immediate updates on properties and market changes.
  • Efficient Data Management: Effectively organize a large client database.
  • Security Concerns: Needed a secure platform without sharing personal details.
  • Current Solution Limitations: Security risks and lack of control with third-party services.
  • Manual Inefficiencies: Over-reliance on manual message management.


We resolved our client issues by integrating our Salesforce Messaging app, especially for WhatsApp channel communication. It helped the clients by:

  • Automated Responses: Set up automatic replies on WhatsApp to ensure quick and relevant responses.
  • Scheduled Follow-Ups: Implemented WhatsApp reminders for clients and staff to boost efficiency and lead conversion.
  • Real-Time Alerts: Provides an instant notification feature for WhatsApp to get updated on new listings and changes.
  • Data Management: Optimized WhatsApp data handling with reduced errors through automation.
  • Enhanced CRM Integration: Seamless integration with existing CRM systems to synchronize data and communications.
  • 24/7 Chatbot Support: We offer round-the-clock support for routine inquiries with our Chatbot: Ninjabot.
  • Advanced Security Features Ensure data protection without sharing personal numbers.

Qualitative Results

Response Time Improvement

Before: 24 hours

After: 1 hour

Result: 96% reduction in delayed response time
Client Satisfaction increases

Before: 3.5/5

After: 4.7/5

Result: 34% increase in satisfaction scores
Lead Conversion Rate Improvement

Before: 10%

After: 18%

Result: 80% increase in conversion rate
Reduction in Data Entry Errors

Before: 5%

After: 0.5%

Result: 90% decrease in errors
Security Incident Reduction

Before: 12 incidents/year

After: 1 incident/year

Result: 91.67% reduction in security incidents
Client Retention Rate

Before: 60%

After: 92%

Result: 53% improvement in client retention rate
WhatsApp templated Approval Time

Before: Upto 24 Working hours per template

After: Instantaneous approval on creation of templates (<1 minute per template)

Result: 90% of templates approved on the first submission

Transform your Customer Engagement with our Salesforce Messaging App – Lead Manager Ninja!
