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Project Name

Enhanced Healthcare Finance and Legal Operations with the Salesforce Messaging App

Finance, Healthcare, Legal
Salesforce, WhatsApp Business Cloud API, Facebook Business Suite

Client Overview

Our client operates in Israel’s healthcare, finance, and legal sectors, focusing on digital rights and advocacy. They provide legal advisory services to help patients understand and navigate their insurance and medical claims. Their goal is to empower patients through education and personalized legal guidance.


The client was struggling with numerous challenges that included:

  • Facing difficulties in sending WhatsApp messages directly from Salesforce CRM.
  • Streamlining lead transfer from websites to Salesforce for efficient processes and accurate categorization of lead management.
  • Relying on Google Sheets for appointment management led to scalability issues and a lack of real-time access.
  • They struggled to handle high volumes of client visits and inquiries.
  • Facing challenges in providing timely replies to patient queries related to medical insurance and claims.
  • Supporting patients from diverse linguistic backgrounds poses communication challenges.
  • They faced a significant number of missed appointments and lacked efficient follow-up reminders.
  • Faced difficulties in sending messages to custom objects effectively.
  • Needed multilingual support for WhatsApp templates and messages to ensure accessibility for diverse international audiences.


We addressed the key challenges by implementing our Salesforce Messaging App. It helped the client resolve their key challenges with the best outcomes:-

  • Provided an all-in-one Salesforce Messaging App that enables them to send messages directly from Salesforce via WhatsApp, Facebook, Telegram, etc.
  • Automated website leads directly into Salesforce for smoother processes and better lead organization.
  • Implemented multilingual support to facilitate effective communication with customers from various countries.
  • Utilized Salesforce's integration capabilities to synchronize data with Microsoft Excel for enhanced data management and security.
  • Enabled real-time, personalized communication with patients via SMS.
  • Implemented an automated appointment scheduling and reminder system within Salesforce to minimize missed appointments.
  • Deployed Ninjabot, a chatbot offering real-time healthcare assistance and support 24x7.
  • Reduced reliance on manual processes and additional staffing resulted in significant cost savings.


  • The no-show rate decreased from 20% to 10%, representing a remarkable 50% reduction in missed appointments.
  • The retention rate increased from 70% to 85%, marking a notable 21% increase in patient retention.
  • Appointment slot utilization improved by 80%, showcasing a 30% enhancement in resource utilization.
  • Manual task volume decreased by 40% due to significant task automation, reducing the administrative burden.
  • Customer satisfaction scores increased from 75% to 90%, reflecting a 20% improvement in patient satisfaction.

Optimize your Business Operations with our Salesforce Messaging App—Lead Manager Ninja